It's really hard to break the habit of focusing on an object's outline. We've learned to imagine shapes from the time we were small children. But one of th...

We're trained as children to think in terms of 'shape'. This is one of the things you have to overcome when learning to be an artist. Seeing shape is fine for some things, but observed drawing is best done in terms of form instead of shape. Shape is a 2D abstraction, form is seeing in 3d - with depth and volume. To finish out perspective week this video provides an exercise to help you envision form. All you need to do is go find some cool pictures of bugs!

And if you like this video, please remember to click the "Like" button at the bottom of the post!  The only advertising for Ctrl+Paint is word of mouth, so I'm counting on you guys to spread the word.  Thanks!

Assignment: Overlay form lines onto photos of interesting bugs.

Things to consider: Draw through the object, envision the structure.

AuthorMatt Kohr
59 CommentsPost a comment

For more videos make sure to check out!

this video is a taste of what's to come in the near future.  Targeted learning.  As I mention in the video, here are the recommended videos to watch before attempting the assignment:

Simplifying Form


Whether you post your results in the DA group or not is up to you - but have fun with the assignment!

[update:] Make sure to draw each vidwpoint from observation -- not imagination.  Don't be afraid to get up close to your jug!

AuthorMatt Kohr
21 CommentsPost a comment

If your goal is drawing from your imagination, you'll need to start thinking like a sculptor. We'll start with the basic forms, and add details later. Ctrl+P...

In order to draw complicated shapes from your imagination, you'll first need to simplify. Constructive form is a mindset that allows artists to make big challenges much smaller by thinking first of basic primitives: cube, cone, sphere, and so on. Any object can be envisioned as a collection of these basic primitives. This video shows the process by which I can draw a character from World of Warcraft utilizing constructive form. Make sure to catch the other parts of the constructive form miniseries!

AuthorMatt Kohr
26 CommentsPost a comment

Once you've blocked in the basic forms, you'll need to understand how to correctly add details along these newly created surfaces. We'll explore 'surface con...

In order to add details to a simplified 'dress-form' under drawing, you need to know how to think in proper 3D.  This short video explains the importance of following the surface contours of your 3D form.

Make sure to catch the other parts of the constructive form miniseries!

AuthorMatt Kohr
18 CommentsPost a comment

This is the final part of a 3 part mini-series. With a new understanding of surface contours, in this video I'll show how to add surface details to complete ...

In this second part of our werewolf drawing it's time to get detailed.  With the 'manequin' drawing complete, I am able to confidently add in the specific costume and facial details that bring a drawing to life.  (Note that the werewolf character is property of Blizzard entertainment, this is a fan-art drawing.)

Make sure to catch the other parts of the constructive form miniseries!


AuthorMatt Kohr
48 CommentsPost a comment