We'd all like more of it, but how should we spend our free time? It's a deceptively simple question, but I find myself asking it nearly every day. Should I s...

We'd all like more of it, but how should we spend our free time? It's a deceptively simple question, but I find myself asking it nearly every day. Should I spend an hour doing X or would it be better to do Y instead? What if all I want to do is Z? Though this video doesn't offer concrete answers, it will get you thinking about the bigger picture and how to stay vigilant about your goals. Blogs like www.lifehacker.com often talk about planning the hours of your workday, but I rarely see anyone discussing a longer (1,2,5 year) plans. These sort of 'big questions' are not easy to think about, but ignoring them completely can be a dangerous strategy. What is your strategy? Since I clearly don't offer a perfect solution, we'll all benefit from the discussion.

AuthorMatt Kohr
69 CommentsPost a comment

One of the most effective techniques for digital painting is to start at the back and work your way forward. This photoshop tutorial shows how to approach a ...

Some painting tips are complex and require tons of practice, but this one is very simple: start at the back. This video talks about one approach to the painting process that works especially well for environment and outdoor scenes. Designed by traditional painters, I find that it's still quite appropriate for digital painters using photoshop.

AuthorMatt Kohr
17 CommentsPost a comment

Do you keep an "inspiration" folder? You should! This video explains the benefits of keeping a folder of inspirational paintings, and organizing them with Adobe Bridge. There are a variety of programs that offer similar tagging and organizing, but Adobe Bridge integrates well with other Adobe software, so I like it a lot.